Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Gravelines PoorClares Register

(78) The same day & year made also her Profession Sister Ann Standish, now Call'd Sister Ann Laurence being aged of 19 years.

Anno Domini 1664 the 29th of December in our Convent of Poor Clares in Graveline is happily departed this Life, strengthened with all the Sacraments of our holy Mother the Church, our dear sister, Sister Ann Laurence Standish the 58th Year of her age & 39 of her being Religious, which time she spent in faithful Service to the holy Religion, not admitting dispensations from Laborious toile & regular observance, till some months before her death: tho' she was afflicted with a Cancer in her breast, to her extream torment which Marterdom she Indured with invincible patience & serenity, & sweetly rendered her Soul, for whoes happy rest we humbly crave the assistance of your Prayers and Suffrages. Requiescat in Pace.
