Social Status
The social status of a nun has been assigned according to that of her father. Although it is likely that there were nuns whose social status was increased through their mother being of a higher rank there their father, there is insufficient data for this to be analysed and it is unlikely to have affected a statistically significant section of the dataset. Where the identity of a nun's father is not known, her social status has been assigned as 'other'.
The following social categories are defined:
- peer
- knights or baronet
- esquire
- other
The number of nuns in the dataset assigned to each category:
Status | Number | % |
peer | 95 | 2.5% |
knight/baronet | 289 | 7.5% |
esquire | 681 | 17.5% |
other | 2827 | 72.5% |
Distribution of nuns according to social status of father by convent
Select convent from list to view pie chart: