Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Gravelines PoorClares Register

(169) The same Day & Year made also her holy Profession Sister Margarett Culchett, now call'd Sister Margarett of the holy Ghost, being aged of 29 Years.

Anno Domini (1682) the 12th of January in our Convent of Nazareth of English Poor Clares in Graveline, is most happily departed this Life, strengthened with all the rights of our holy Mother the Church, our dear sister, Sister Margarett of the holy Ghost Culchett, the 37th year of her Age, & 4th since her entry into the holy Religion, which time she has spent in the strict Observance of our holy Rule, & of such virtues as might make her more pleasing to her heavenly Spouse, bearing with Silence, & humble Submission to the divine will, all difficultys, & repugnance of Nature, being much addicted to Prayer, & as one deaf & dumb to all things of this world, which makes us hope she is gone to the nuptial feast of the Lamb, more Loaden with virtues than Years, but as the Judgments of God are hidden I must humbly beg your prayers for her speedy enjoying of eternal bliss. Requiescat in Pace.

Gravelines PoorClares Register

(172) Anno Domini (1684) the 6th of January Sister Margaret Culcheth, now call'd Sister Dorothy Joseph aged 25 made her holy Profession.

Anno Domini (1724) the 11th of November in our Convent of Nazareth of English Poor Clares in Graveline, is most happily deceas'd our dear sister, Sister Dorothy Joseph Culcheth, administred with all the rights of our holy Mother the Church, Aged of 66 & 42 since her


Entrance into holy Religion, all which time she has been most Indefatigable in her laborious vocation never admitting of any release, placing her perfection chiefly in delighting herself in all humble works, which she performed with the greatest fidelity imaginable. She was ever ready & even preventing to assist any who wanted her help, her grounded interior humility was also manifested by the mean opinion she had of herself, even reputing herself the least & most undeserving in the house. Her great esteem & love to holy Poverty gave her a constant watchfullness to hinder the least thing from being wasted. She had a Singular Devotion to our Blessed Lady & St Joseph, who undoubtedly obtained her the courage & patience with which she bore her last Sickness. We humble request for her your accustom'd Charity. Requiescat in Pace.
