Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Gravelines PoorClares Register

(156) Anno Domini (1671) the 26th of July Sister Mary Blundell now call'd Sister Mary Bonaventure made her holy Profession, Aged of 17 Years.

Anno Domini (1690) the 16th of January in our Convent of Nazareth of English Poor Clares in Graveline, is most happily departed this life


strengthened with all the rights of our holy Mother the Church, our dear sister, Sister Mary Bonaventure Blundell, the 36th Year of her Age, & 20th since her entrance into Religion, during which time she much Edified us by her Religious comportment, & high esteem of her holy vocation. She was very compassionate & charitable, willing to assist all, never giving refusal to any, that required her service, during the three last years of her life she suffer'd much, by a lingering Consumption particularly the last 7 months of her life that she was confined to her Bed with admirable patience & resignation to the Divine Will, & Singular silence with out complaint which was her practise ever to silence her own indisposition, she was very intense in Prayer, singularly devote to the ever Blessed Mother of God, who no doubt obtained her so happy a death, most sweetly & quietly rendering her soul with joyned hands into those of her Creator, that nothing may retard her speedy happiness, we earnestly crave the assistance of your holy Prayers. Requiescat in Pace.
