Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Gravelines PoorClares Register

(142) Anno Domini (1665) the 6th of July, made her holy Profession Sister Alice Blundell, now Call'd Sister Luisa Clare aged of 16 years.

Anno Domini (1720) the 14th of June in our Convent of English Poor Clares in Graveline, is happity deceas'd strengthened with all the rights of our holy Mother the Church, our Venerable Mother Jubilarion Sister Lucia Clare Blundell aged 71 professed 56. She much Edified us with her fervour & fidelity in the observance of our holy Rule, & with much Wisdom, Prudence, & Charity acquitted herself of several Offices, was most assiduous in Prayer spending all spare moments in the Choir, as her centre, had a tender Devotion to the holy Family, & the Saints of our holy Order, & most exemplar in her esteem, Love, & practice of Holy Poverty. Her pious Life, was follow'd with as happy a death. That nothing may stop her wish'd for felicity, we humbly request your accustomed Charity for the Repose of her Soul. Requiescat in Pace.
