Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Gravelines PoorClares Register

119) Anno Domini (1648) the 3d of November made her holy Profession Sister Mary Anderton, now Call'd Sister Mary Euphrasia, being Aged of 18 Years.

Anno Domini (1683) the 31st of Oct: in our Convent of Nazareth of English Poor Clares in Graveline, is most happily departed this Life furnish'd with all the rights of our holy Mother the Church, our Venerable Mother Vicaress, Sister Mary Euphrasia Anderton, the 52d Year of her age & 34th of her Profession, having exercised several Offices to the general satisfaction of all the Community, dying in that of Vicaress which she exercised very laudably 7 Years, Animating our Community by word & example to the strict observance of our Rule & Constitutions, her example serving us as a light to guide ourselves by in the practice of all other virtues, particularly of Humility, Poverty, Mortification & in a great contempt of herself, in that degree as if she had been insensible, the tender feeling she had of our Blessed Saviours bitter passion, inviting her to the imitation thereof, caused her with a generous courage to embrace all afflictions both interiour & exteriour having always in her mouth these sacred words of her divine Master, Fiat Voluntas tua. The hopes she is already in the full enjoyment of Eternal bliss, moderates our grief for the loss we sustain in her, whose virtues & deserts made her no less amiable to externes than to our own Community. I humbly beg the Assis: of your Prayers for the repose of her Soul. Requiescat in Pace.
