Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Gravelines PoorClares Register

(88) The same Day & Year made also her holy Profession, Sister Dorothy Anderton, now Call'd Sister Dorothy Ignatia Aged of 24 Years.

Anno Domini 1658 the 14th of July in our Convent of English Poor Clares of Nazareth in Graveline is happily Departed this Life Strengthened with the Sacraments of our holy Mother the Church, our dear sister, Sister Dorothy Ignatia Anderton, the 57th Year of her Age, & 29th of her holy Profession. She hath given us great example of abjection & holy Poverty, with a totall neglect of her self treating her body with great Austeritie, & in her last Sickness exerciseing great patience, & Conformity to the divine Will. For her Speedy enjoying of Everlasting Glorie, we most humbly entreat the assistance of your Prayer & Suffrages. Requiescat in in Pace.
