Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Elizabeth Thorold, in religion Christina Bernardin.
Born: in Arborfield, Berks.
Died: 3 Aug 1708 in Bruges, aged 81.

father: William Thorold of Arborfield, Berks
mother: Frances Hayward of Berks

Franciscans, Nieuport choir nun.
She was clothed 16 Jan 1648, aged 22.
In 1659 left for foundation of Conceptionists in Paris, but returned in 1662.

She professed 11 Apr 1649, aged 21.

Discreet in 1692

She was the sister of Mary Thorold.

nephew: Fr Edmund Thorold SJ

Sources: BC: 30; BD: 202; BP: 140; Conceptionist Annals: 8, 10.



Mother of Hayward family according to Foley p 611. BC gives the surname as Haward.

Age at clothing and profession as given in sources.