Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Helen Bedingfield, in religion Augustina.
Born: 1604 in Redlingfield, Suffolk.
Died: 11 Aug 1661 in Bruges, aged 58.

father: Francis Bedingfield Esq of Redlingfield, Suffolk
mother: Katherine Fortescue of Salden, Bucks

Augustinians, Louvain choir nun.
She left 1639 .

Augustinians, Bruges choir nun.
She arrived 30 Jul 1639.
She was sent for by Mary Pole.

She professed 19 Jun 1622, aged 18.

Novice Mistress in 1640 , Bruges
Prioress 1640 - 1661 , Bruges

subject: portrait in convent
sponsor: new building housing the refectory, workroom, kitchen etc

She was the sister of Philippa Bedingfield, Elizabeth Hamilton, Katherine Bedingfield , Magdalen Bedingfield , Grace Bedingfield, Margaret Bedingfield, Ann Bedingfield, Frances Bedingfield, Maria Bedingfield, Winefrid Bedingfield.
She was the cousin of Margarita Bedingfield, Jane Bedingfield , Margaret Bedingfield, Anne Bedingfield , Mary Bedingfield, Margaret Downes , Helen Beaumont, Katherin Beaumont.
She was the great aunt of Agnes Bedingfield, Mary Bedingfield, Dorothy Bedingfield.
She was the aunt of Mary Bedingfield, Anne Hamilton, Lucy Hamilton, Catherine Hamilton.
She was the kinswoman of Mary Pole.
She was the niece of Mary Fortescue.

Sources: Bruges Annals I: 17, 23-32, 63, 89-93; Louvain MS Chronicle: 465; BB C396: 10.

Family tree (Bedingfield of Bedingfield and Redlingfield)
Family tree (Fortescue of Salden)


Had gone to Bruges with her kinswoman Prioress Mary Pole (LA203) (first cousin twice removed), according to Bruges annals sub anno 1640.