Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Margaret Markham, in religion Margaret.
Born: 1613 in Claxby, Lincs.
Died: 25 Jul 1717 in Pontoise, aged 104.

Member of Dublin convent from July 1687 until it dispersed in 1689 following the defeat of James II

father: George Markham Esq of Ollerton, Notts
mother: Judith Wotherswick of Claxby, Lincs

Benedictines, Ghent choir nun.
She was clothed 17 Apr 1638, aged 16.
She left 1652 to help found another convent.

Benedictines, Boulogne choir nun.
She joined 1652 as a founder member.
She left Jul 1687 .

Benedictines, Ypres choir nun.
She arrived 1700.
She left 1702 .
Returned to Pontoise

Benedictines, Pontoise choir nun.
She arrived 1702.

She professed 27 Dec 1639, aged 18.

Guardrobe , Ghent
Prioress , Boulogne, Pontoise
Prioress 1700 - 1702 , Ypres

subject: portrait

She was the sister of Frances Markham, Elizabeth Markham.
She was the cousin of Elizabeth Skinner, Elisabeth Smythe, Frances Smith.
She was the great aunt of Ann Mechtilda Markham, Henrietta Markham.

Sources: Dunkirk History: 30-1; Ghent Annals list: 197; Ghent Annals: 18, 46, 57; Pontoise ob 68H4: 142-3; Nolan: 169-70, 218-9; RAG K2292: 30r, 53r.

Family tree (Markham)


Moved to Boulogne 1652: convent moved to Pontoise 1658.

The Pontoise records claim that she was 104 when she died, having been born in 1613 or 1617, though Ghent records her birth year as 1622.

In 1687 sent to begin a new house in Dublin, which soon failed. Later spent a brief spell at Ypres (1700-1702), where she professed several nuns.

bib dict has mother as Withernwick: Nolan gives mother as Judith Witherwick Fitzwilliams

Her jubilee was celebrated during her time in Dublin, with King James II present.

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