Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Anna Maria Moll, de , in religion Anna Maria.
Born: 1657.
Died: 1696-1700 in Ghent.

father: Rene Mol, de baron van Herent
mother: Diane Digby

Benedictines, Ghent choir nun.
She was clothed 3 Feb 1677, aged 19.

She professed 14 Jan 1678, aged 20.

Infirmarian in 1696

She was the kinswoman of Elizabeth Digby, Mary Digby.

Sources: Ghent Annals list: 198; Ghent Annals: 50; RAG K2293: 183v; RAG K2294: 8v.

Family tree (Digby)