Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Elizabeth Digby, in religion Magdalen.
Born: 1583 in Tilton, Leics.
Died: 1 Sep 1659 in Ghent, aged 73.

father: Everard Digbye Esq of Tilton, Leics
mother: Mary Neale of Keythorpe, Leics

Benedictines, Brussels choir nun.
She was clothed 29 Dec 1609.
She left 1624 to help found another convent.

Benedictines, Ghent choir nun.
She joined 16 Jan 1624 as a founder member.

She professed 11 Jan 1611, aged 22. Her dowry was 3800fl.

Cellarer , Ghent
Sacristan , Brussels
Sacristan , Ghent
Infirmarian , Ghent
Chantress , Brussels
Procuratrix , Ghent
Dean , Brussels
Dean , Ghent
Dean , Ghent
Prioress , Ghent

She was the cousin of Mary Digby.
She was the kinswoman of Anna Maria Moll, de .

brother: Sir Everard Digby
nephew: Sir Kenelm Digby

Sources: AMbenbx-12: 1624; AMmechl-11: 38, 56; Ghent Obit: 72-80; Brussels Obit: 57-60; AMbenbx-7: 1611; Ghent Annals: 4, 6, 7, 37; Brussels Benedictines Profession Book: 180; Brussels Benedictine Annals: 68, 70, 71, 91.

Family tree (Digby)


Sister of the Gunpowder plotter Sir Everard Digby. Aunt of Sir Kenelm Digby.