Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Catherine Howard, in religion Constantia.
Born: in London.
Died: 1725-32.

father: Lord Henry Howard earl Arundel, 6th duke Norfolk
mother: Jane Bickerton of Cash

Benedictines, Ghent choir nun.
She was clothed 7 Jun 1685, aged 15.

She professed 21 Jun 1686, aged 16.


She was the cousin of Mary Howard, Catherine Howard, Elizabeth Howard.
She was the sister of Ann Howard.
She was the kinswoman of Alatheia Howard.

uncle: Cardinal Philip Howard OP
uncle: (great) William Howard Viscount Stafford

Sources: Ghent Annals list: 199; Ghent Annals: 47, 60; RAG B356: 61r, 77v.

Family tree (Howard of Norfolk and Lords Stafford)


Her great-uncle was William Howard, viscount Stafford, who was executed in 1680. His daughter was Mary Delphina Howard OSD (BD041)

On 2 May 1715, she accompanied the abbess Mary Knatchbull to England and took breakfast at the Grate of the Bruges Augustinians. On the return journey, they stayed with the nuns from 13 to 16 July (Bruges Augs I ann 323, 326).