Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Sir Edward Brumfield Cath of Surrey: Anne Bromfield (LA040)


Anne Bromfield, in religion Anne.
Born: in Surrey.
Died: 16 Apr 1638 in Louvain.

father: Sir Edward Brumfield Cath of Surrey
mother: Catherine Fromans Prot

Augustinians, Louvain choir nun.
She arrived 9 Nov 1609.

She professed 3 May 1599.[as choir nun at St Ursula's, Louvain]


Sources: Louvain MS Chronicle: 88, 420, 459-65.


Received a grant of £10 a year from Lady Petre.

As a widow, her non-Catholic mother was made mother of the maids-honour at court of Elizabeth I (MS Chron p114, Gerard p260). Increasingly unhappy at court, Anne was sent by her mother into the country where she met a Catholic gentleman who eventually introduced her to Father John Gerard SJ, who was responsible for her conversion. After his arrest he asked Fr Garret to facilitate her entry into St Ursula's (Hamilton, Chron. I, p86, 107-9). For text of MS Chron. see next Note.

MS Chron, p114-118: She was daughter to Edward Brumfield Esquire in the County of Surrey who living long a Scismatick yet som two years before his death was reconciled and died a good Catholick. After whose disceace his widdow named Catherin Fromans before her marriage being a gentlewoman of very fine behavor & having good friends was called to the Court of Queen Elizabeth & made Mother of the Maids of Honour not being a Catholick as her desceased husband, but only well minded, she then took this her daughter Ann to the Court at the age of sixteen where for 4 years she gave her self wholly to the pleasures & delights of the world?Almighty God forgot her not in this case, but one day a gentleman that was a Catholick who unknown coming to the court and seeing her so sad and melancholy asked what she wanted. Where unto she answerd she knew not what to do, nor what would help her she was in such affliction of mind. He answerd that he would bring her to one who should help her, she regarded not then his words being overwhelmed with affliction, but som days after he coming there again she desired him for Gods sake to bring her to one, as he had said the other day. Who thereupon brought her unto Father Garret [Gerard] who instructed her in Catholick religion and reconciled her wherupon her mind was so quieted that she becam contented. But yet she could take no pleasure in the world, therfore left the court and lived as the said Father appointed order for her. At length she discovered to him how she was moved to undertake a religios state, and he very much applauded her mind and animated her therein