Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Catherine Smith, in religion Mary Catherine.
Born: in York, Yorks.
Died: 19 Jan 1799 in Haggerston, Northd, aged 65.

father: Richard Smith
mother: Mary Smelt

Poor Clares, Rouen choir nun.
She was clothed 2 Jul 1752.

She professed 29 Sep 1753, aged 19.

Abbess 1785 Nov - 1799 Jan

She was the sister of Mary Smith.
She was the cousin of Margaret Smith.

Sources: ADSM G: 833; Rouen Poor Clares Profession Book; Rouen Chronicle II: 18; Rouen Chronicle III: 26, 35, 59.

Family tree (Foster of Earswick)


Parents from pedigree in Fletcher notes, Syon Abbey image 18feb286.

Arrived as pensioner with her sister Julia Ann

'Her abbacy a great loss to the Community & much regretted by all': prof book