Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Elizabeth Stock, in religion Winefrid Joseph.
Born: in Newland, Gloucs.
Died: 30 Jan 1799 in Paris, aged 77.

father: Mr Thomas Stock of Newland, Gloucs
mother: Mrs Mary Edmonds of Monmths

Conceptionists, Paris choir nun.
She was clothed 21 Oct 1744.

She professed 19 Apr 1746, aged 24. Her dowry was £300.

School Mistress
Novice Mistress
Portress 1767 - 1773
Prioress 1767 - 1773
Abbess 1788 - 1791

Sources: Daumet; Conceptionist Annals: 111, 116, 15, 157, 162, 188; Conceptionist Book of the Dead: 271; Conceptionist BP: 248.
