Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Margaret Langdale, in religion Mary Frances.
Born: in Cliffe, Yorks.
Died: 17 Nov 1755 in Paris, aged 30.

father: Jordan Langdale Esq of North Cliffe, Yorks
mother: Mrs Mary Stourton of Stourton, Wilts

Conceptionists, Paris choir nun.
She was clothed 17 Sep 1742.

She professed 21 Nov 1743, aged 18. Her dowry was £200.

Sacristan 1754 - 1755 17 Nov

She was the cousin of Charlotte Stourton, Catherine Stourton.
She was the niece of Catharine Stourton, Elizabeth Stourton, Dorothy Langdale, Ursula Langdale, Ursula Langdale.

sponsor: Mary Blount Duchess of Norfolk

Sources: Daumet; Conceptionist Annals: 106, 110, 113, 119, 124, 130, 132; Conceptionist Book of the Dead: 263; Conceptionist BP: 247-8.

Family tree (Langdale and Metham)
Family tree (Stourton)


Educated in the convent school, sent and paid for by Mary Blount, Duchess of Norfolk, who did much to patronize the school. Her uncle, William 16th lord Stourton, married Winifred Howard, niece of Edward Howard, 9th duke of Norfolk and his wife, the said Mary Blount.

Dowager Lady Petre paid her dowry: see p113. Died of smallpox: see p133