Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Elizabeth Barrow, in religion Mary Barbara.
Born: in Westby, Lancs.
Died: 27 Mar 1816 in Spetisbury, Dorset.

Conceptionists, Paris
She was clothed 18 Feb 1789.
She left 1795 when the convent closed.
still a novice when the community dispersed in 1795: see note in CRS vol. p321

She arrived 1795.
She left after 1797 .

She professed 18 May 1797.

She was the niece of Helen Barrow.

Sources: Conceptionist Annals: 186; Mason, Recusant History, 1998: 114, 117.


Margaret Mason, The Blue Nuns in Norwich 1800-1805, Recusant History, No 24, 1998-9, 95, 114, 117