Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Elizabeth Throckmorton, in religion Elizabeth Teresa Pulcheria.
Born: 1694 in Warws.
Died: 4 Apr 1760 in Paris, aged 66.

father: Sir Robert Throckmorton 3rd bart of Coughton Court, Warws
mother: Mary Yate of Buckland, nr Faringdon, Berks

Augustinians, Paris choir nun.
She was clothed 29 Aug 1713.

She professed 2 Oct 1714.

Prioress 1736 - 1744
Procuratrix in 1744
Prioress 1752 - 1760

subject: portrait by Largilliere in National Gallery, Washington

She was the sister of Catherine Throckmorton.
She was the aunt of Mary Blount, Frances Fermor, Mary Fermor, Jane Throckmorton, Ann Hunloke.
She was the great aunt of Frances Fitzherbert, Mary Fitzherbert.
She was the cousin of Mary Woolascott, Mary Wollascott.
She was the niece of Anne Throckmorton, Elizabeth Throckmorton.

Sources: Paris pd; Cedoz ms list; Paris Augustinians Profession Book: 34; Chapter Book: 52-3, 61.

Family tree (Throckmorton of Coughton and Wigmore of Lucton)
Family tree (Yate of Lydford)


She suffered from poor health and had been touched for the King's Evil at Saint-Germain in 1704 by the Pretender. She devised antiphonal mnemonics in her psalter, which is now held at Coughton. (Geoffrey Scott, The Throckmortons at Home and Abroad, 1680-1800, in Catholic Gentry in English Society: The Throckmortons of Coughton from Reformation to Emancipation, edited by Peter Marshall, Geoffrey Scott (OSB.) Ashgate: Farnham, 2009, pp 190-1

Depositaire in 1732.

She arrived as a pensioner at the school on 3 Jul 1700.