Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Mary Philpott, in religion Mary Winefred.
Born: 1649 in Compton, Hants.
Died: 20 Feb 1737 in Pontoise, aged 88.

father: George Phillpott Esq of Compton, Hants
mother: Winifred Wells of Brambridge, Hants

Benedictines, Pontoise choir nun.
She was clothed 14 Oct 1670.
She left before 1687 .

Benedictines, Pontoise choir nun.
She arrived after 1687.

She professed 12 Nov 1671, aged 22. Her dowry was 4000 livres.

She was the sister of Barbara Philpot.
She was the niece of Mary Philpot.

Sources: VO 68H10; Pontoise ob 68H4: 156; Register Pontoise: 297.



Transferred to Dublin then returned to Pontoise when new community failed to prosper: see obit.