Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Mary Messenger, in religion Placida.
Born: 1752 in Piercebridge, Durham.
Died: 1828 in Hammersmith, Middx.

father: William Messenger of Piercebridge, Durham
mother: Mary Wilson

Benedictines, Pontoise choir nun.
She was clothed 2 Jul 1771.
She left 1786 when the convent closed.

Benedictines, Dunkirk choir nun.
She arrived 1786.
She left after 1786 .

She professed 10 Aug 1772, aged 20.

Prioress until 1812
Novice Mistress 1796 - 1812
Abbess 1812 - 1828
Abbess 1812 - 1828

She was the niece of Mary Messenger.
She was the great niece of Anne Scrope.

Sources: Dunkirk History: 108, 122, 140-2; VO G151 Examinations.

Family tree (Messenger)