Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Susanna Fletcher, in religion Mary Susan.
Born: 1649.
Died: 18 May 1689 in Dublin, Ireland, aged 39.

father: Mr Richard Fletcher
mother: Mary Furs of Ashford, Kent

Benedictines, Pontoise choir nun.
She was clothed 2 May 1675.
She left after 1675 .

Benedictines, Ypres choir nun.
She left before 1689 .
sent to Dublin

She professed 13 Sep 1676, aged 27. Her dowry was £300.

Sources: Pontoise ob 68H4: 103; bk en 68H3; VO 68H10; Nolan: 171-2; Register Pontoise: 301-2.



Was sent to new foundation at Dublin 2 years before her death: see Pontoise Obit 103 Pontoise obit suggests she died in Pontoise.