Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Mary Ann Semmes, in religion Mary Constancia.
Born: 1739.
Died: 6 Jul 1767 in Liège, aged 28.

father: Mr Joseph Milburn Semmes of Charles Cty, Maryland
mother: Rachel Prater of Maryland

Sepulchrines, Liège
She entered 21 Jul 1766, aged 27.

Benedictines, Pontoise choir nun.
She entered Dec 9 1755, aged 16.

She was the sister of Mary Catherine Semmes, Elizabeth Semmes, Rachel Semmes , Clare Semmes, Martha Semmes, Ursula Semmes.

brother: Rev Joseph Semmes SJ

Sources: Liège History: 54, App C p5; bk en 68H3; VO 68H10.


Three sisters schooled by the Pontoise Benedictines, Mary Anne, Clare and Rachel: Paris ob 398.

History 54 refers to 4 sisters Semmes from Maryland only two of whom lived to be professed