Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Mary Skerliker, in religion Mary Baptist.
Died: 11 May 1811 in Spetisbury, Dorset, aged 63.

Augustinians choir nun.
She was clothed 20 May 1795.

She professed 30 Jun 1796.

Sources: Louvain MS Chronicle: 652, 661.


A scholar in Louvain before being clothed in Amesbury.Her surname is more usually written as Sherliker,from a known Recusant family in Lancashire:see CRS Occasional Paper 1 (1767 papist returns for the Diocese of Chester), pp. 46 and 47, where the name is spelled 'Shorlicar' (p.46) and 'Shurlicar' (p.47). They lived at Formby, just north of Liverpool. (MW)