Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Ann Matthews , in religion Bernadine Teresa Xaveria of St Joseph.
Born: 1732 in Maryland.
Died: 12 Jun 1800 in Maryland, aged 68.

father: Joseph Matthews of Charles Cty, Maryland
mother: Susanna Craycroft

Carmelites, Hoogstraten choir nun.
She was clothed 30 Sep 1754, aged 21.
She left 1790 to help found another convent.

Carmelites choir nun.
She joined 1790 as a founder member.
She left after 1790 .

She professed 24 Nov 1755, aged 23. Her dowry was £150.

Prioress 1771 - 1790 , Hoogstraten
Prioress 1790 - 1800

She was the aunt of Ann Teresa Matthews , Susanna Matthews .
She was the kinswoman of Elisabeth Carbery.

Sources: Hardman: 107; Hoogstraten prof bk; Hoogstraten Annals: 46, 47, 160; The Carmelite Adventure: 13-16.