Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Mary Hilton, in religion Mary Bonaventure.
Born: in Longford, Ireland.
Died: 31 Mar 1736 in Gravelines, aged 38.

father: Richard Hilton

Augustinians, Bruges lay sister.
She was clothed 13 Mar 1721.
She left 1 Apr 1722 .
She received the name of Mary Jospeh

Poor Clares, Gravelines choir nun.

She professed 29 Jun 1723, aged 25.

Sources: BB F59; CRS 14: 140-1; Bruges Annals I: 356-7, 368, 383, 386-7.



With Urusla and Catherine Chichester, she was brought from England by Sister Barbara Devery, arriving at the Augustinian convent at Bruges on 5 July 1719. She had wanted to enter the Poor Clares at Gravelines, but they were full at the time. Admitting this during her novitiate at Bruges (where she was known as Mary Joseph), her superior arranged for her admission at Gravelines.