Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Katherina Savage, in religion Constantia.
Born: 1620.
Died: 1 Apr 1687 in Dunkirk, aged 66.

father: Sir Thomas Savage 1st visc of Rock Savage, Ches
mother: Elizabeth Darcy countess Rivers of Essex

Benedictines, Ghent choir nun.
She left May 1662 to help found another convent.

Benedictines, Dunkirk choir nun.
She joined May 1662 as a founder member.

She professed 15 Aug 1638, aged 16.

Sacristan , Ghent
Prioress until 1686 , Dunkirk

She was the aunt of Bridget Savage.

Sources: Dunkirk History: 9, 22, 34-5; Ghent Annals: 18, 39, 47; RAG K2292: 19r-v, 34v; Dunkirk History: 9, 22, 34-5.


Rocksavage or Rock Savage is now a ruined country house in Clifton near Runcorn, Cheshire.Mother in ODNB.

Father George Ducket SJ was her spiritual director.