Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Isabella Corby, in religion Benedicta.
Died: 25 Dec 1652 in Ghent, aged 99.

father: Mr Richardson

Benedictines, Ghent lay sister.
She was married.

She professed 29 Apr 1633, aged 80.

She was the mother of Mabell Corbington, Eugenia Corbington.

husband: Gerard Corby conv of Durham
son: Rev Ralph Corby SJ martyr
son: Rev Robert Corby SJ
son: Rev Ambrose Corby SJ

Sources: Ghent Obit: 54-6; Ghent Annals: 15, 32-3.

Family tree (Corby)


With her husband, she lived in exile changing their name to Corbington, but eventually agreeing to separate. He became a Jesuit lay brother. (ODNB)

Her son, Ralph Corby SJ, was martyred in 1644. (ODNB)

She was clothed in Brussels in c.1630 but professed three years later in Ghent.