Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Anne Plumpton, in religion Mary Angela.
Born: 1697 in Yorks.
Died: 20 Dec 1779 in Cambrai.

father: Robert Plumpton Esq of Plompton Hall, Yorks
mother: Anne West of Borwick Hall, Lancs

Benedictines, Cambrai choir nun.
She entered 1709, aged 12.

She professed 1713.

subject: portrait at Burghwallis Hall

She was the sister of Cecilia Plumpton.
She was the aunt of Elizabeth Anne, Jane Anne.
She was the great aunt of Mary Knight, Elizabeth Knight.

Sources: Cambrai crs: 62.

Family tree (Plumpton)


portrait crs facing 62