Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Elizabeth Brent, in religion Elizabeth.
Born: 1607 in Lark Stoke, Gloucs.
Died: 1 Apr 1660 in Paris, aged 59 c.

father: William Brent Esq of Lark Stoke, Gloucs

Benedictines, Cambrai choir nun.
She entered 10 May 1628, aged 21.
She left 1652 .

Benedictines, Paris choir nun.
She joined 1652 as a founder member.

She professed 15 Aug 1629, aged 22.

Cellarer , Paris
Novice Mistress until 1660 , Paris

She was the sister of Catherine Brent, Elinor Brent.

Sources: Paris Obit: 335-6; Cambrai crs: 42.



Buried at Val de Grace. Wrote out many of Father Baker's books