Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Elizabeth Walton, in religion Elizabeth Mary.
Born: in Shapwick, Somerset.
Died: 22 Feb 1676 in Bruges, aged 61.

father: Thomas Walton
mother: Frances Burgon

Franciscans, Brussels choir nun.
She was clothed 24 Sep 1634, aged 18.

She professed 29 Sep 1635, aged 20.

Discreet in 1661
Abbess 1674 - 1676

Sources: BC: 20, 35, 41, 191; BD: 191, 245; BP: 135.



Obit states that she served as Vicaress, though the date are impossible to determine from the election data. It also extolled her virtues as a musician - she was mistress of music for many years- especially as an organist.