Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Lucy Fortescue, in religion Lucy Mechtildis.
Born: in Faulkbourne, Essex.

father: John Fortescue of Faulkbourne, Essex
mother: Catharine Phillpot of Hants

Franciscans, Nieuport choir nun.
She was clothed 16 Jan 1648, aged 16.
She left by 1658 .

Conceptionists choir nun.
She was clothed 1658.
She left 1663 when found to be unsuitable.

She professed 25 Jan 1649, aged 17.

Sources: Conceptionist Annals: 1, 8, 9, 11-14, 190; BC: 30; BP: 140.



Went to England on some business of her own in 1662. She was increasingly unhappy and claimed to have been forced into religion by her mother.