Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Margarite Figg, in religion Martha Elizabeth.
Born: in Turners Puddle, Dorset.
Died: 14 Apr 1685 in Paris.

father: Henry Figg
mother: Bridget Biss

Franciscans, Nieuport lay sister.
She was clothed 1655, aged 29.
She left 1658 .

Conceptionists lay sister.
She was clothed 1658.

She professed with the Franciscans 25 Jan 1656, aged 30.

She professed with the Conceptionists 2 Jul 1663.

Sources: Brussels Franciscan Annals: 8, 15, 33; Conceptionist Book of the Dead: 254; BC: 33; BP: 143.
