Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Ann Englefield, in religion Anne Bernard.
Born: in Whiteknights, Berks.
Died: 3 Aug 1780 in Bruges, aged 60.

father: Henry Englefield Esq of Whiteknights, Berks
mother: Catharine Poole of Middle Temple, London

Franciscans, Bruges choir nun.
She was clothed 24 Aug 1735, aged 15.

She professed 2 Jul 1736, aged 16.

Infirmarian in 1743 also 1749, 1755
Portress 1765 - 1782
Discreet 1765 - 1782
Procuratrix 1768 - 1780

She was the kinswoman of Dorothy Englefield, Francis Morgan, Catherine Turville, Grace Turville.
She was the sister of Martha Englefield, Winifred Englefield.
She was the niece of Dorothy Englefield, Alice Englefield, Helen Englefield.

Sources: BB F59; BC: 67, 69, 72, 74, 77, 79-81; BD: 225; BP: 160.

Family tree (Englefield)


Chief organist for 25 years.

Sick mother 1743, 1749, 1755; Portress and Discreet 1765, 1773, 1776, 1779