Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Mary Ann Addis, in religion Mary Scholastica.
Born: in Lyde, Herefs.

father: George Addis
mother: Teresa Bowyer

Franciscans, Bruges choir nun.
She was clothed 4 Feb 1759, aged 23.

She professed 20 Apr 1760, aged 24.

Portress in 1773
Discreet in 1776
Vicaress 1779 - 1812

Sources: BC: 74-5, 79-2, 84-6, 89-95, 104; BP: 164.



Name does not appear in the elections for 1815 suggesting a date of death between 1812 and 1815.