Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Jane Poulton, in religion Eugenia.
Born: 1580 in Desborough, Northants.
Died: 9 Nov 1646 in Ghent, aged 64.

father: Ferdinand Poulton Esq of Desborough, Northants
mother: Catherine Jackman of Wing, Bucks

Benedictines, Brussels choir nun.
She was clothed 10 Feb 1604, aged 23.
She left 15 Jan 1624 to help found another convent.

Benedictines, Ghent choir nun.
She joined 16 Jan 1624 as a founder member.

She professed 12 May 1605, aged 24. Her dowry was 3500fl.

Cellarer , Brussels
Novice Mistress , Brussels
Procuratrix , Brussels
Dean , Brussels
Prioress in 1623 , Brussels
Abbess 1629 - 1642 , Ghent

dedicatee: Alexia Grey, The Rule of St Benedict, 1632

brother: Rev Thomas Poulton SJ
brother: Rev Ferdinand Poulton SJ

Sources: Ghent Obit: 37-40; Brussels Obit: 64-6; Ghent Annals: 4, 7, 20, 21, 23, 61; RAG 2773/1; RAG 2773/7; Brussels Benedictines Profession Book: 178.

Family tree (Poulton of Desborough)


Annals 61 gives father as Sir Ferdinand Pulton of Barton, Bucks

Resigned as Abbess November 1642 due to ill health: Annals 21 Annals 23 gives Elizabeth Bradbury as her 'relation'.