Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Elizabeth Curson, in religion Clare.
Born: 1579 in Waterperry, Oxon.
Died: 26 Apr 1626 in Brussels, aged 46.

father: Sir Francis Curson of Waterperry, Oxon
mother: Ann Southcote of Essex

Benedictines, Brussels choir nun.
She was clothed 10 Feb 1604.

She professed 12 May 1605, aged 26. Her dowry was 4000fl.

She was the cousin of Elizabeth Southcote, Mary Welsh.
She was the sister of Anna Curson.
She was the kinswoman of Mary Southcote.

cousin: Fr John Southcote

Sources: Brussels Obit: 7; Brussels Benedictine Annals: 60; Brussels Benedictines Profession Book: 178.

Family tree (Brinkhurst-Curzon-Southcote)