Who were the Nuns?

A Prosopographical study of the English Convents in exile 1600-1800

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Anne Collingridge, in religion Elizabeth Joseph.
Born: 10 June 1769 in East Lulworth, Dorset.
Died: 12 Jan 1845 in Winchester, Hants, aged 77.

father: William Collingridge Esq
mother: Anne Reeve of Island Hill, Warws

Benedictines, Brussels choir nun.
She was clothed 12 Jun 1792.

She professed 9 Dec 1793, aged 25.

Sources: Brussels Obit: 259-62; AMbenbx-7: 93; Brussels Benedictine Annals: 211, 227; Brussels Benedictines Profession Book: 198.
